Presented by
Lyn Watson, Simon Balster, Sarah Warby & Ross Lenssen
Shoulder Physiotherapists, Melbourne, Australia
Topics Covered:
The Hypermobile Athlete
- Incidence, epidemiology & impact of GHJ hypermobility on the traumatic & micro-traumatic
sporting population - How to assess for hypermobility & how does this impact on the rehabilitation & management of
the sporting shoulder?
Rotator Cuff Overload in the Hypermobile Athlete
- How dynamic instability leads to rotator cuff overload & how to differentiate this diagnosis
from impingement - How this commonly presents in overhead athletes – Swimmers, Throwers, Rock climbers & Gym
Practical Session –
- Dynamic stability of the shoulder assessment techniques
- A structured progression of rehabilitation for the athletic shoulder
- Demonstration of the Watson Rehabilitation Programme
o This rehabilitation programme has been shown in a randomized controlled trial to create
significant functional improvement in patients with shoulder instability

Traumatic Instability
- Anterior Traumatic Instability – Management strategies including conservative & operative
management - Dilemma’s & problems commonly encountered –
o Instability in the older age group dislocation
o What to do with stiffness?
o When is it safe to return to throwing? - Shoulder pathologies encountered and sometimes missed in the sporting shoulder (in particular
Posterior Instability & SLAP lesions) assessment & management pathways
Posterior Capsule Tightness
- How often does the posterior capsule really get stiff?
Practical Session
- Assessment for posterior capsule tightness & how to pick the false positive
- Posterior Instability Assessment
- SLAP Assessment
- Posterior Instability Rehabilitation

Advanced Assessment & Rehabilitation of The Shoulder

- Strength Testing in the Clinic: Equipment, Screening/Baseline Assessment, Return to Sport
Assessment, Adjustment of Strength & Conditioning aims, Load Management - Total Body Integration for whole body sporting performance
- Advanced Rehabilitation – End Stage Rehabilitation & Proprioceptive Re-Training
- Functional Sporting Rehabilitation that can be tailored for all sports
Traumatic Rotator Cuff Tears
- Assessment & Management Strategies
- Best Evidence Practice for Post-Operative Rehabilitation Programmes
Practical Session
- Post Op Rehabilitation Programme for Rotator Cuff Repairs
- Taping Techniques for the Shoulder